Dental Board’s COVID-19 Statement


The Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners will be working with the Secretary of Health on any state ordered restrictions on dental practices.  At the time of this writing, the Governor’s Executive Order does not directly affect private dental practices. 

The Board recommends that all dental practices exercise great care in screening patients, (See the website) and postpone performing elective procedures if the patient’s health will not be compromised.

Dentists, dental hygienists and allied staff are a part of the healthcare community and have a responsibility in the prevention and mitigation efforts during this pandemic. Dentists, dental hygienists and allied staff are also in the highest risk categories for both transmission and contraction of the coronavirus.   Dentists have the moral, ethical and legal responsibility to manage the urgent needs of their patients during this crisis.  It is inappropriate to send patients of record to emergency rooms, hospitals or other public health settings unless it is warranted.  These facilities are overwhelmed and struggling to handle the increasing surge of patients.  As a part of the healthcare community and the community at large, we have to protect the safety of our patients and staff. All standard precautions, especially those concerning Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should continue to be followed. Practicing without appropriate PPE is contraindicated. CDC recommendations of screening with medical history, travel questionnaires, and temperature checks should be followed.

The Board is continually working with the Maryland Department of Health to closely track cases in Maryland.  The Board will work with the Coronavirus Advisory Group on additional actions and recommendations for Governor Hogan.


Please understand that the situation is changing daily. The Board will do everything in its power to keep you apprised of all new developments. With everyone’s cooperation we will get through this difficult time.


Important Information Regarding COVID-19

In recognition of ongoing news reports and the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, we realize our patients have questions. As dedicated health care professionals, we want you to know that we remain as diligent as ever in protecting the health and safety of our patients and staff. Our practice strictly adheres to and exceeds the standards for infection control by wearing personal protective gear, using hospital-grade disinfectants, practicing the latest sterilization protocols, utilizing single-use disposable materials, and more. Every effort we have in place is to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. We want you to know that we are monitoring this situation very closely, and we will keep you updated regularly.

Symptoms of coronavirus are reported as flu-like, with varying degrees of severity. While we do not know everything about this virus to date, individuals who are elderly and/or immunocompromised appear to be the most at risk of a severe infection. To ensure your health and safety, and the health and safety of everyone at our practice, please reschedule your appointment if you or a member of your household has a cough, fever, and/or flu-like symptoms. In addition, please reschedule your appointment if you have traveled to any areas within the past 14 days that are at high risk for contracting the coronavirus.

We thank you in advance and extend our gratitude for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can help keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office, and one of our staff members will be more than happy to assist you.

Please view and share our latest COVID-19 Symptom Comparison Chart with your friends and family.

For further information, including measures to keep yourself healthy, visit the following links: